ionosphere|ionospheres in English


[i·on·o·sphere || aɪ'ɑnəsfɪr /aɪ'ɒnəsfɪə]

part of the outer atmosphere which contains large amounts of ions and free electrons (surrounds the earth and some planets)

Use "ionosphere|ionospheres" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "ionosphere|ionospheres" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "ionosphere|ionospheres", or refer to the context using the word "ionosphere|ionospheres" in the English Dictionary.

1. 3 The ionosphere is a principal factor determining whether or not the wave normal angle satisfies transmission condition through the ionosphere.

2. In ionosphere and magnetosphere: Auroral zones

3. Did it mean that Venus had an ionosphere?

4. The other two experiments will study the Earth's ionosphere.

5. 1 Surface magnetization or an ionosphere can also provide a magnetosphere.

6. 11 This also produces most of the ions in the Cytherean ionosphere.

7. In the Earth's athmosphere there is a layer called the ionosphere.

8. 26 Rockets and artificial satellites can go far above the ionosphere.

9. 6 The ionosphere is that region of space contatining electrically charged species.

10. The sounding rocket programmes have also contributed to ionosphere and ozone layer experiments

11. 24 The SPS was also capable of causing physical changes in the ionosphere.

12. 21 In radio communications, one of the three regions which form the ionosphere.

13. 7 It traps charges, lowering the voltage on the ionosphere, and on us.

14. 19 Its upper limit is determined by the conditions in the ionosphere.

15. It's a radar array that guides and detonates atomic missiles in the ionosphere.

16. The sounding rocket programmes have also contributed to ionosphere and ozone layer experiments.

17. The ionosphere would be affected and long- wave radio waves wouldn't work any more.

18. E0020 E layer Layer of the ionosphere exhibiting one or several maxima of electron density, at about 110 km.

19. 29 To enable long-distance communication, many telecommunication systems transmit radio signals via the ionosphere.

20. D0020 D regiont That part of the ionosphere in which the D layer tends to form.

21. Worked for the ECE Airglow project at UIUC, with goals of studying the ionosphere to

22. 4 Plasma irregularities are ubiquitously existed in the ionosphere, including E region and F region.

23. Also, what effect might it have on the ionosphere and the weather, on radio and television?

24. The ionosphere, like the atmosphere and its ozone layer, protects humans from disastrous (at large doses) ultraviolet and X-radiation.

25. This paper gives a whole new method based on time difference of arrival ( TDOA ) and ionosphere reflection.